Writing in my Past, Present, and Future

  At a time when writing is a constant chore, pondering how writing will fit into my future only makes me more stressed.  However, aside from the assignments, research, and constant stress, I do love to express my thoughts and feelings through writing. Throughout the years, writing has provided me with an outlet for my fears, frustrations, and provided me with relief.  Personally, I find writing to an audience that I care about more fulfilling than writing in a journal. 

  I went through a very difficult period in my life a little over a year ago, and the person who really cared about me and my pain was not able to communicate with me during that time due to restricted Academy rules.  In order to express myself, I wrote him letters for several months, storing them in a binder for his return home to me. Just letting out my feelings on paper to a person who I cared about was pure relaxation for me.  Writing saved me from more pain and heartache than I ever could have handled on my own that year. 

  As a future elementary teacher, I will use writing as a tool to create lesson plans, provide my students with clear assignment instructions, and write scholarly and formal journal articles for teacher magazines.   Keeping my writing skills sharpened is very important to me.  Constructive criticism keeps me reaching for new ideas, stretching me as I develop myself as a writer.  Personally, I have enjoyed my time in Sara’s class.  She has encouraged me to reach higher and push myself farther in writing. 

2 thoughts on “Writing in my Past, Present, and Future

  1. I think that you did a good job of opening up and letting the reader understand where you are coming from and good job explaining how and who you like to write to.

  2. I really like your idea of writing to someone even if they cannot read it right away and respond to you. There’s something about getting what is on your heart out that is so refreshing even if no one responds. Hopefully as a teacher writing will be less stressful and big papers will be less common 🙂

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